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BSI for FinTech and Banking

We protect your authorized consumer’s eCommerce experience through Advanced Multi-Factor Authentication (AMFA). We are 100% compliant with biometric privacy laws, and link online and POS digital access to the authority of the consumer’s presence; not their credit card or credentials.

BSI The Next Evolution
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Avoid financial risk via ...

Superior Biometrics

Millions of transactions and their associated dollars are managed by commercial and financial institutions every hour of every day.

Scammers, phishers, hackers, fake credit card users, and other financial criminals are constantly boosting stolen credit cards, pins, passwords, and credentials impersonating rightful owners around the world.

Every wrongfully approved transaction is a financial burden and risk to your organization, your customers,  and your eCommerce and credit card partners.


Privilege Access Manager (PAM) access.

It is not sufficient that the credentials to access a PAM are known; it is essential that only those with the proper training and need to access are granted access to the PAM.


When access must be controlled to a limited few, under tight constraints, BSI technology excels.


We restrict access to the human with both the knowledge and business need to access the PAM. 

Certified investment transactions.

If you must know "who" instead of "whose credentials were used" to execute an investment transaction; that is where our CVL technology excels.

Credentials generated with BSI technology can only be used by the same person that created them. This means that they can be used to certify who executed an investment transaction, or granted access to a record; without question.

POS signature transaction validation.

Beyond capturing an image of a signature to "show" in a receipt; imagine the power of adding a layer of security without adding a single step or incremental effort from every consumer.

BSI's CVL technology can be used in conjunction with most existing POS hardware so that while the consumer "signs" on the screen, a final identity check is completed, certifying that the person executing the transaction is the one and only person in the world who created the credentials and is the owner of the credit card.

Imagine the power and impact in stopping fraudulent transactions effortlessly.

Wet signature replacement.

Many "digital signature" solutions are a "certified true" picture of your mark. To be clearer, the picture of your signature adds no value; just psychological support.

BSI's CVL technology provides a level of security previously unavailable. We can assert that the signature that is shown was presented by the only person in the world that can recreate it; the person that originally created it.

  • PIN verification
  • Special transaction validation
  • Identity validation at brick-and-mortar locations
  • POS transaction validation.

Protect the digital identity of every customer.


Choose to know "who" instead of "whose credentials were used" to execute an investment transaction, grant access to a record or account or device. This is where our CVL technology excels. Credentials generated with BSI technology can only be used by the same person that created them. It does this without collecting, transferring, or storing any personal identifiable information.

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