Integrity, Privacy, Compliance
Solutions for Remote Assessments

ID Authentication
•Write your password instead of typing it
•Length, speed, angle, order… are unique to you
•Indigestible to contract cheaters, family members
•Authenticate ID before accessing any assessment

Web Cam Monitoring
Avoids Privacy Issues
Privacy Infringing

Facial recognition data collected
Background/room scan
Voice recording
Collect and transfer PII
Subject to racial & gender bias
Collect and store pictures/audio
Software client required
PC takeover may be required
Privacy Preservation

NO Facial recognition collected
NO Room of background scan
NO Voice recording
NO racial or gender bias
NO pictures/audio collected
NO software downloads
NO PC takeover
Recipe for today's proctoring
ID authentication throughout the course + todays’ technology + education

Without Authentication
Cheaters are stopped.
Attendance, last day of participation
1,000’s have been prevented
Privacy sparring face anonymization monitors students during critical exams.
93% of students find face anonymization to be vital.
Avoid legal issues.
Forensics/Ai - Identifies contract cheaters and student’s “intent” on cheating.
Provides over 30+ sophisticated reports to track activity on distance education students.

311,266 Students signed petitions in 231 Colleges/Universities

What are students saying about competitors?
Compiled from Change.org June 16th, 2023
Search Proctoring:
Competitor 1
These proctoring companies do not want you to know this information.
We will tell you names when you call us
Competitor 1 "has the risk to reveal and obtain very personal information just to complete a simple exam final. Examples of personal information they could obtain include zip codes, phone numbers, emails, photos, screen captures, video recordings and history of personal employment which can potentially expose our social security number, essentially our identity itself."
Compliance | Federal Accreditation

New Regulation:
§602.17(g) Ensures that the student who registers in a distance or correspondence education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives credit.
602.17(h) requires an agency to make clear, in writing that institutions must use processes that protect student privacy
What Others are Saying About BioSig-ID

Stephanie Hinshaw
Chief Academic Officer & Provost
"We appreciate BioSig-ID and our partnership with Biometric Signature ID for many reasons; however, two are paramount. First, the student identity validation processes allow us to have peace of mind that our students complete their own work. Second, we greatly appreciate the partnership between ACE and BSI when issues arise. Specifically, David Chatham and BSI’s Forensic Reporting provides real-time guidance and analysis in integrity concerns and acts as a partner as we develop processes and policies."

Chris Boothman
Director of A-State Online
“Collaborating with BioSig-ID and using their Forensic Reporting tools has enabled Arkansas State University to quickly and seamlessly identify violations of academic integrity and really transform the way we are able to combat suspicious behavior. With ease of access to data reports that contains IP conflicts, comprehensive data analytics on biometric inaccuracies etc., A-State has been able to actively work on identifying policies to address academic dishonesty in the online environment.”

Dr. Rick Upchurch
AVP Adult, Graduate, & Online Studies
"At Belhaven University we started our relationship by including managed services. I have to say it was the best decision we could have made. Biometric Signature ID has provided us with deep dive insights into the data and given us confidence in closing the loop on those who have suspicious activity on their accounts. Honestly, without their help we would be floundering in making sense of the data. I can recommend managed services from BioSig-ID without reservation."

Bolstering Security
Adding BioSig-ID to our online courses has bolstered our security by confirming student identity at multiple points throughout the course, thus ensuring that we are following all accreditation regulations. BioSig-ID is also quick and effective in supporting our students.
Tiffany Cantrell
Faulkner University Online
Read other testimonials

BSI Takes Care Of
Your Pain Points…
ADA – Covered
Costs – Annual Flat rate
Privacy – Avoid lawsuits
Forensics – Confirm cheating
Contract Cheating – We prevent
Customer Service – White glove
No Downloads – Ease of use
LMS Integration – Install in hours
Accreditation – YES Student ID and privacy